Power Install & Kitchens and Bathrooms
Power: There is a growing trend for folks to live off-grid. People make the conscious decision to organize their life around limiting their carbon footprint through a variety of channels. We are not currently entertaining any of those conventions when it comes to power and electricity. There is a $500.00 commitment fee or application fee to Lake County Power. This starts the process of your lot by keeping with the theme of any element of new home construction starts with stroking a check! The power company requires an easement so they have the ability and legal authority to dig up the earth and place the power line on your property. I met a very nice LCP employee who folks live on Murphy Lake. He marked 5 MORE trees that needed to be cut down. The landing pad for the power needs to be at minimum of 200 feet from the house structure. The cost to run the power into the property from the powerline at the far end of the property is approxi...